Friday, January 13, 2006

CLICK! & Enlarge

Dear friends & loyal readers of my blog:

As a newbie to blogging, I have just recently learnt this - CLICK! on the photos and you'll be able to see their enlarged versions. For the sake of clarity and to give your eyes a rest from squinting, do try this so that you are able to enjoy the view as much as possible.

Thanks people!


Blogger k*a said...

hi there aniza,

if u wonder who is this - i was ur classmate in french beginner class at alliance francaise. can u guess?

anyway, it is really nice to read ur blog. and now it is my dream to visit tahiti.

take care and my best regards to xavier.


5:37 PM

Blogger Ghostwriter said...

Yep, I know who this is :D Are your initials JLCL? How's the French Intermediate class by the way? (I assume you are still taking it?)

How is everyone back there? I miss classes :( Do send my regards to all of them.

How are YOU doing? Email me ya:


5:55 PM

Blogger k*a said...

yup that is me :D

i'm fine. our class no longer exist. julie and mala now attending classes in Pusat Bandar Damansara.

meanwhile, i am attending another group's class with new classmates. i'm in intermediate 4 now. unfortunately, i am still unable to speak. i am attending the class just to waste my time otherwise, i will be too free in the evenings :P

as for the rest of the gang, we lost contact except patrick and ck. patrick is back from france and now in Batu Pahat/Melaka. ck is now working with digi now and no longer taking classes.

ok, will email u...hugs for u!!!

8:50 PM

Blogger Ghostwriter said...

OK dear....will wait for your email then. I'm surprised CK dropped French class - I thought he was going to see it through to the end!

Anyway, don't worry about not being able to speak. I am IN a French-speaking country and I still don't speak! I don't have the opportunity to socialize, so I guess speaking will remain a problem until then :(

Write soon :D

6:06 PM


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