Sunday, February 19, 2006

Rain on Paradise Island

I have lost the view of Moorea Island. The one that I can see when I stand on the terrace before my garden. In fact, I cannot even sea the Pacific Ocean anymore! ☹ Instead, I hear the rush of water in a river that I never before knew existed somewhere in the deep recesses of the jungle behind my house.

It has been raining non-stop since Thursday. It has been raining so hard I have a natural swimming pool of muddy water instead of green grass in the garden. Of course, Alto is all excited about the pool – it becomes his very own private bathing pool. He traipses through the house leaving adorable little muddy paw prints. Now he has his own special paw towel, which I use to clean the mud off his paws before allowing him to step into the house.

The sun has a virtually short life during these rainy days. Dark, gloomy clouds pregnant with a zillion drops of moisture close over the sunlight, leaving all of Tahiti in a somber grey shadow. The wind blows incessantly, leaving a chill in my bones like never before. During these days, Xav, Alto and I keep an eye out for the rain to stop before hurrying out to take a quick walk up our little mountain.

With all this rain, who could believe that we really are on paradise island?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

after the rain- thats when the snails and worms come out. Yuck

I went to a bookstore yesterday and saw this book- A Tree Grows in Brooklyn-thought of you.

5:41 PM

Blogger Ghostwriter said...

LOL! Yes, I truly remember your childhood phobia of snails - do you still have this?

This morning, we found some dead worms and a shell-less snail that must have crawled in from the side garden. Can just imagine the horror if you were here ;D

My sister says the same thing about that book and how it reminded her of me. How come you thought of me when you saw the book?

6:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

because you often spoke of that book in the past!!

Are you on SKYPE?

8:49 PM

Blogger Ghostwriter said...

Yep I'm on Skype and YM most of the day, so perhaps I'll talk to you a little later in the day - perhaps around 9-10am your time?

'See' you then!

8:06 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi darling,

Just discovered even though I have installed sykpe, I can't use it at work due to some technicalities. Only can use web msn messenger. my username is

I had a dream about you, your sis and parents last night. It was a nice dream.

3:14 PM


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